Research interests:
Feminist political ecology, critical agrarian studies, gender and sexuality, violence, security, studies of science and technology, tourism.
Ph.D., Geography, Clark University, 2012.
M.A., Geography, Clark University, 2009.
B.A., History, Universidad de los Andes (Colombia), 2004.
B.A., Economics, Universidad de los Andes (Colombia), 2002.
Diana Ojeda is a Colombian activist-scholar working at the intersection of feminist political ecology, critical agrarian studies, and political geography. She is a Professor in the Department of Geography and the Department of International Studies, and Director of the Commons Program at the Ostrom Workshop. She is also a member of the Latin American collective Miradas Críticas del Territorio desde el Feminismo.
Diana’s research has specialized on the dynamics of dispossession associated to agrarian extractivism, climate change and nature tourism in the Colombian Caribbean. She is interested in processes of land and water grabbing, and the forms of environmental and territorial defense that contest them, particularly from feminist communitarian initiatives. She is handling editor of Antipode: A Radical Journal of Geography and a member of the editorial collective of The Journal of Peasant Studies.
Her work has also contributed to the analysis of gender-based violence in university spaces, and, as part of the feminist movement in Colombia, she has been part of initiatives towards attaining gender equality, sexual and reproductive justice, and LGBTQ* rights in her country.
She is currently working on a book project on feminist interventions to the agrarian question for the Initiatives in Critical Agrarian Studies small book series.
Spring 2024
Feminist Political Ecology (Geography)
Peace and Conflict (International Studies)
Selected publications:
2023, Beatriz Bustos, Salvatore Engel-Di-Mauro, Gustavo García, Felipe Milanez and Diana Ojeda, (eds.), Routledge Handbook of the Environment and Latin America. London and New York: Routledge.
2022, Diana Ojeda, Padini Nirmal, Dianne Rocheleau and Jody Emel, “Feminist Ecologies”, Annual Review of Natural Resources 47.
2022, Diana Ojeda, “Beyond Land as Property: A Feminist Perspective”, in J. Borras and J. Franco (eds.), The Oxford Handbook on Land. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
2021, Diana Ojeda, “Social reproduction, dispossession and the gendered workings of agrarian extractivism in Colombia”, B. McKay, A. Alfonso-Fradejas and A. Ezquerro-Cañete (eds.), Agrarian Extractivism in Latin America, London and New York: Routledge.
2019, D. Ojeda, “La playa vacía, el bosque exuberante y el otro exótico: Herramientas para el análisis crítico del turismo de naturaleza” [The Empty Beach, the Exuberant Forest and the Exotic Other: Tools for a Critical Analysis of Nature Tourism], in E. Cañada (ed.) Aproximaciones teóricas a los estudios críticos del turismo. Madrid: Icaria.