Global and International Studies Building, 1007

Research Summary
My background in literary studies and my Eastern European upbringing informs my particular perspective when talking about culture. The focus of my classes is how culture functions in the context of a changing world. This might be related to changes that digitalization has brought upon us (INTL-I 305: Culture in the Digital Age) or rooted deeper in time and exploring questions about representation, identity, and communication (INTL-I 205: Culture and Politics).
Educational Background
- Ph.D., Eotvos Lorand University, Budapest, 2004
- M.A., Eotvos Lorand University, Budapest, 2000
Research Topics
- Digital Culture
- Social Movements and Cultural Change
- Ethnic and Multicultural Awareness
Representative Publications
Book [published]
- Dekonstrukció és romantika. Budapest: Kijárat, 2004. (Deconstruction and Romanticism)
Book [edited]
- The Finer Grain: Essays in Honor of Mihály Szegedy-Maszák. Edited with Richard Aczel. Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Research Institute for Inner Asian Studies, 2003.
Journal [edited]
- Ecocriticism. A special issue of Helikon, the journal of literary theory of the Institute of Literary Studies, Hungarian Academy of Sciences. 2007/3.
- Reading the plains and the lake: Landscape in Hungarian Travel Literature. Hungarian Studies, 24/1 (2010). DOI: 10.15566/HStud.24.2010.1.6
- The Japanese Garden in a Hungarian Novel: László Krasznahorkai’s Hill to the North, Lake to the South, Roads to the West, River to the East. ISLE: Interdisciplinary Studies in Literature and Environment. Volume 17, Issue 2, Spring 2010. DOI:10.1093/isle/isq032