- Email:
- mbdwyer@iu.edu

- Ph.D., Energy and Resources Group, University of California, Berkeley, 2011
- M.S. Energy and Resources Group, University of California, Berkeley, 2003
- B.A. Mathematics, Oberlin College, 1997
- Political ecology
- Development Studies
- Land and forest governance
- Energy systems and society
- Southeast Asia
- Environment and Society (G208)
- Geography of International Development (G391)
- Development Geography: Critical Perspectives (G417/517)
Michael Dwyer (forthcoming 2022). Upland Geopolitics: Postwar Laos and the Global Land Rush. University of Washington Press.
Philip Hirsch, Kevin Woods, Natalia Scurrah and Michael Dwyer (eds.) (forthcoming 2022). Turning Land into Capital: Development and Dispossession in the Mekong Region. University of Washington Press.
Michael Dwyer (2019). “They will not automatically benefit”: The politics of infrastructure development in Laos’s Northern Economic Corridor. Political Geography 78. doi: 10.1016/j.polgeo.2019.102118
Mutlu Ozdogan, Ian Baird and Michael Dwyer (2018). The role of remote sensing for understanding large-scale rubber concession expansion in southern Laos. Land 7(55), doi: 10.3390/land7020055
Miles Kenney-Lazar, Diana Suhardiman and Michael Dwyer (2018). State spaces of resistance: Industrial tree plantations and the struggle for land in Laos. Antipode 50(5): 1290–1310.
Michael Dwyer and Thoumthone Vongvisouk (2017). The long land grab: Market-assisted enclosure on the China-Lao rubber frontier. Territory, Politics, Governance 7(1). doi: 10.1080/21622671.2017.1371635.
Michael Dwyer, Micah Ingalls and Ian Baird (2016). The security exception: Development and militarization in Laos’s protected areas. Geoforum 69: 207–217.
Michael Dwyer (2016). Upland geopolitics: Finding Zomia in northern Laos c. 1875. The Journal of Lao Studies, Special Issue 3: 37–57.
Micah Ingalls and Michael Dwyer (2016). Missing the forest for the trees? Navigating the trade-offs between mitigation and adaptation under REDD. Climatic Change 136(2): 353–366.
Michael Dwyer (2015). The formalization fix? Land titling, land concessions, and the politics of spatial transparency in Cambodia. The Journal of Peasant Studies 42(5): 903–928.
Michael Dwyer, Emily Polack and Sokbunthoeun So (2015). ‘Better-practice’ concessions: Some lessons from Cambodia’s Leopard Skin landscape. International Development Policy 6.1.
Michael Dwyer (2014). Micro-geopolitics: Capitalising security in Laos’s Golden Quadrangle. Geopolitics 19: 377–405.
Peter Messerli, Markus Giger, Michael Dwyer, Thomas Breu and Sandra Eckert (2014). The geography of large-scale land acquisitions: Analyzing socio-ecological patterns of target contexts in the global south. Applied Geography 53: 449–459.
Michael Dwyer (2013). Building the politics machine: Tools for ‘resolving’ the global land grab. Development and Change 44(2): 309–333.